19 and worried

I'm 19 and the past 3-4 weeks of my life have been hell, my partner who's 21 discovered a lump in his side, the lump is soft and goes and comes, he gets discomfort in his side and under his stomach when crunching. Worried and scared I bugged him to go the doctors but couldn't make an appointment, he went to the walk in and that's when the whole scare of cancer happened, doctor examined him and said he thinks it's lymphoma but wanted him to get it checked cause it was within region of his liver. I've hit the ceiling at this point and completely freaked out he's 21 it's not something I've ever though about, we got to his gp and the doctor has examined him again I'm sat there bawling my eyes out, the doctor reassured me it's not cancer but he thinks it's a hernia and referred him to an ultrasound, non urgent referral but I'm panicking my brains out. I know I should be keeping calm and positive but I feel like I've been sheltered up until now. I struggle with intense anxiety and depression and he's my primary career for this, I just don't know what to do.

  • HiBannanagirl and welcome to the forum.

    I'm sorry about the worries surrounding your partner's health at the moment but if you can, try to remind yourself of what his GP said when you find your mind is getting the better of you.

    Waiting for tests (and then the results) is always tough as so many of our members here have found out and hopefully some of them will be along soon to offer their support and advice.

    Fingers crossed the scan confirms your partner isn't dealing with anything sinister when the time comes.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator