16 and my mums been gone for 4 months

The last time I wrote on this forum I had said my mum had 2 or 3 months to live but she passed away the next day. I was there and she died peacefully surrounded by all of her family, it's been 4 months since and it's been horrible. All my friends have been really supportive but I feel like they are all forgetting about what's happend to me because I never really show it to anyone. I had my birthday a couple months ago and it was generally the worst day of my life all I did was cry and the whole day it was just a constant reminder that she is never  going to be there again. I have big exams coming up soon and everyone is still expecting me to do well including my teachers and my dad and I hate the pressure of feeling like I'm not allowed to slack off at all even though sometimes I really need to. I've been talking to a councillor pretty much weekly but I don't really feel like they understand anything.  I just need some tips with how to grieve properly and maybe some advice with how to deal with all these big exams. 

  • Oh Daisy,

    I am 41 and about to lose my Mum and I can't handle it so you are already doing an amazing job just to be getting up and posting on here. Your Mum obviously did a great job of raising a very resilient daughter. I have no idea how I would have faced this at your age so feeling like this is awful is absolutely right. This is horribly unfair and none of your friends will be able to understand unless they have experienced the same. Perhaps they are not forgetting about what has happened to you but don't know how to handle the situation- I wouldn't have know how at 16. You mention that you never show 'it' to anyone- what do you mean? Do you have siblings or other family members who you can talk to? Maybe your Dad and your teachers are hoping that focusing on your exams will help you to think about something else for a while but if you feel it is too much then maybe they need to hear that. You sound like such an incredible individual that no doubt you will come through this in time. There is no proper way to grieve- you have lost your Mum. Be kind to yourself x