15 with bone cancer


hello, so I’m 15 and I’ve been diagnosed with bone cancer. I’m extremely scared about many many things. If anyone has any ideas on how to stop stressing or anything please tell me. Thank you 

This has all come as a massive massive shock, just 3 weeks ago I was in hospital with my mum getting an x-ray both laughing as we both thought I had broke my ankle, then a doctor came in and told us the worst news ever, our life’s have been turned around completely. 2 weeks ago I was in theatre getting a biopsy to see what this tumour was, turns out it was the thing we all prayed it’s wasnt. I feel like my whole life is ruined as I don’t even know if this time next year I’ll even be here. I can’t go my gcses, I can’t go to school. Everything has changed. The pain I feel whenever someone’s says that word is just horrible. I wouldn’t wish this pain on my worst enemy. Alls I can say is never take anything for granted as who know so what could happen. 

  • Hi Amy...

    So sorry that this crule desese has touched you at such a young age .. it's scary for us oldies, I don't know how id have coped so young ...

    I have been messaging a young lass who has been effected by this , she is really great to chat too .. and one more who's a bit older then you and ask her to pop by .. her name is [@Bexi]‍ .. so hang on it may take a day or two ... but I helpedboth through treatment and they are both amazing ..

    I'm trying to get this site to give you younger ones your own heading so you can chat to others like yourself ... remember the treatments have come a long way ... and being younger, looks really hopeful ...

    When i was newly diagnosed I watched a programme on t.v from a young person's oncology ward .. once you get there, you will meet many other young ones like your self ... l hope you can talk to your mum about how you feel .. but she must be very scared too .. and us mum's try to be strong for our kids .. when sharing tears, hugs, and walking hand in hand to gether on this journey ..

    Try not to be scared of the word .. it's just a word .. I was scared silly at first ... then I thought I'd get a pair of vertual boxing gloves on and punch it strait back ... it's a bit like being in the queue for the scariest rollercoaster ride... and once your diagnosed,  we strap our selfs in .. and hold on tight ... 

    If you feel scared on this ride, look around you, and wer all right there on that ride too ... if you want to chat more, I can private message you... just let me know .. and I'll send you a friend request. . And I'll try and get Bex to pop by ...  sending you a big vertual nanny hug ... Chrissie

  • This horrible business is like a bulldozer crashing through your life. Everything feels wrecked. It’s not fair on anyone but particularly young people like you with your whole life and all your dreams ahead of you. My heart goes out to you.

    I think it’s completely normal to feel stressed, though it can be hard to cope with and you have to find what works for you to reduce your anxiety. For example I’ve found breathing exercises and meditation music helpful. A friend of mine has been prescribed something from her GP for the nerves. Another lady is having counselling to try and make sense of it all. 

    As Chriss says it may help to chat with other people your age who have gone through a similar experience. This forum is also a great source of support and somewhere you can come to vent your feelings.

    My experience has been that after the initial shock (which was huge!), I feel more positive about things now my treatment is underway. Although I wish my life hadn’t gone down this route I now find blessings in so many small things each day. It sounds so trivial but I’m looking at the autumn leaves out of the window right now and thinking how beautiful they are. Silly eh? But before my diagnosis I would have been too busy rushing around to even notice these things. 

    I wish I could make all this horrible stuff go away for you, which sadly I can’t. However I can offer you a big virtual hug  (((  ))) xxx


  • Hi Amy, 

    Im so sorry that this disease has come at you at all especially at such a young age, my feelings are that it makes dealing with this so much harder but I promise you we will be here with you to help you through it. I was diagnosed at 24 so quite a bit older but the feelings are still the same I imagine, it was the uncertainty for me, that scared me the most.

    The initial diagnosis is hard, and after a while can hit like a ton of bricks, and treatment will be hard too but you may feel have sense of relief that its getting underway. It's heartbraking that you have to go through this, you just have to try and stay positive which I know is ridiculous because it is so scary but you are young, and healthy which means alot, you will have your family who will take really good care of you, you have us to chat to whenever you want to. I know it can seem like your life is ruined but I can assure you it's not, I can understand why you say that becuase I said the same. I said that there was a chance I woudnt be here right now, but I beat it and so can you.

    Feeling pain or fear when you hear the word cancer is horrible but it will subside, the shock you feel will fade as it sinks in. I just wish this had never happened to you at all, but like I said we will be here for you whenever you need us.

    I wish I had a full proof answer for how to make the stress and pain go away but I found that writing everything down helped to get my feelings out, it helped me to feel a little better, other than that just try to keep your mind occpied on other things. I found reading a good book, films and spending time with others I care about to be really helpful. The thought of what is happening is always going to pop into your mind but the less it does the better. If you want me to add you so we can talk more just let me know, you can ask me anything and ill help you as best I can 

    Bex x

  • Hi Amy, my son got diagnosed with bone cancer at 16, and in the hospital we have been in touch with many other kids facing this disease, I also have a scientific background so I understand the disease and treatmeant in great detail. 

    Feel free to answer my friend request or leave me a message if you want to stay in touch hopefuly I can be of some help. This is a rare cancer, is not that easy to find answers on the internet. Its great that you are looking to talk about this with someone.

    And yes, as the above answers, pretty soon you will be feeling possitive and focusing on the treatment. 

  • Hello Amy; this must seem so unfair at a time when your life should be opening up in all manner of ways.  Don't let the nasty word put fear in your heart; if you can stand up to it and give it the two-finger signal it won't seem so horrendous.  I realise it has disrupted so much of your life - you mention your gcses - but one day this horrible time will stop and you will be able to make up for some of the time you have lost.  I see there are several people here who have already offered any help they can give so please do keep in touch and tell us how you are doing. Just wanted to say count me in to keep giving you any support you need - you will come through this.  Annie

  • Hi Amy,

    How are you doing? My 19 year old son has just been diagnosed with bone cancer and I’m trying to find people his age so that’s he doesn’t feel alone. Only found out today... lost for words. Hope you get in touch...