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Meet Jo
Full time mum Jo felt her world had fallen apart when she was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in August 2016.
After being told that the cancer had advanced, Jo undertook an operation to remove her oesophagus in February 2017.
Jo started blogging her journey in order to try and help others and keep her loved ones up to date with her treatment. ‘By sharing my cancer journey it has helped me to try and stay positive and focused on looking forward to a brighter future with my family.’
‘I am determined to beat this cancer once and for all. My motivations comes from the love and support of my sons and my husband.’
Jo has now finished her treatment and is enjoying being ‘mum’ again. ‘I look forward to new beginnings, new dreams and aspirations and seeing my boys grow-up.’
Thanks to donations like yours, mums like Jo are able to make more memories with their families.
Meet Alfred
In 2012 Alfred was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer.
“When I was told I had prostate cancer I was told to think short term rather than long term which completely deflated me, but it was even more difficult breaking the news to my wife and children.”
Alfred joined the Cancer Research UK-funded clinical trial, STAMPEDE, as part of his treatment. “It’s a trial looking at new combinations of treatment for prostate cancer patients to see which can improve survival.”
“Now I’m here 6 years later, and I would never have thought that possible.”
This year, thanks to regular supporters like you, people like Alfred are celebrating more time with their family.
“My grandaughter is so important to me. I love all my family, but I really didn’t think I would get to see her grow up. I am spending more time with her and creating memories.’
“I’d like to say a huge thank you to people who support Cancer Research UK, from the bottom of my heart.”
Meet Alex
“My children, James and Grace, have been a massive support through my cancer experience. It was because of them that I knew I had to beat cancer. They are my world!”
Alex, mum of two, received the news she had breast cancer after noticing a lump in 2009.
“As a mum being diagnosed with cancer, it’s terrifying. You think to yourself "Will I beat it? Will I survive to see my kids graduate, grow up and marry? You find inner strength because you want to survive. You don’t want your kids to be without their mum.”
“I’m so grateful for my family and friends who helped during my treatment when my bones ached during chemo and I couldn’t climb the stairs. And I’m so grateful for the love of my children and them saying ‘Your hair will grow back mum, you’re still beautiful to us.'’”
Because of you, people like Alex don’t need to worry about missing out on those special family moments. Thank you.
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Cancer Research UK has moved to 'opt in' as of 1 July 2017, meaning our supporters are in control of how we communicate with them. To hear about our latest breakthroughs, appeals and ways to get involved, tell us how you want to be contacted.
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