A study to develop a questionnaire to identify lung cancer symptoms - IPCARD
Please note - this trial is no longer recruiting patients. We hope to add results when they are available.
Cancer type:
This study is looking at developing a patient questionnaire to help identify symptoms of lung cancer.
Doctors often diagnose lung cancer at a late stage. The earlier lung cancer is diagnosed, the better the chance it may be cured. Even if not cured, people may have a better chance of living longer.
When people have new and ongoing chest symptoms, like a cough or shortness of breath, GPs do a chest X-ray to see if there is anything abnormal.
The researchers want to develop a questionnaire about the symptoms of people who are referred for a chest X-ray. To do this they need to ask people about their health and why they are having a chest X-ray.
The researchers hope to use this questionnaire in a larger trial to see if it can help identify lung cancer.
This study aims to find out how well the questionnaire records people’s experiences of health and illness.
Who can enter
You may be able to enter this trial if you are at least 40 years old, live in Birmingham or Southampton and your GP has referred you for a chest X-ray.
You cannot enter this trial if you are younger than 40.
Trial design
This is a feasibility study. It will recruit about 400 people. The main study will recruit up to 1,200 people.
When you arrive at the hospital for your chest X-ray, a or a member of the research team will give you a recruitment pack. In this pack is
- A letter of introduction
- Information about the study
- A form to complete if you want to take part -
consent form - A questionnaire
- A form to complete if you change your mind after agreeing to take part – withdrawal form
- A prepaid return envelope
You can take this pack home and decide later if you want to take part in the study or not. If you do take it home and agree to take part you must complete the consent form and the questionnaire. And mail them back in the prepaid envelope within 2 days.
If you want to you can fill in the questionnaire before leaving the hospital.
The questionnaire will take about 20 minutes to fill in.
The research team will ask permission to look at the result of your chest X-ray. They will also ask to interview you and will ask you about
- Your health
- Why you had a chest X-ray
- Filling in the questionnaire
The interview will take about 1 hour. The researchers will record the interview so they won’t forget what you say. The researchers will keep what you say anonymous, so no one will be able to link it to you.
You do not have to agree to the interview if you don’t want to. You can still take part in the study.
Hospital visits
There are no extra hospital visits if you agree to take part in this study.
If you agree to take part in the interview, this can take place in your home or at Birmingham University or Southampton University. The researchers will do it at a time that suits you best.
Side effects
There are no side effects if you agree to take part in this study.
Recruitment start:
Recruitment end:
How to join a clinical trial
Please note: In order to join a trial you will need to discuss it with your doctor, unless otherwise specified.
Chief Investigator
Professor Sue Wilson
Supported by
National Institute for Health Research Cancer Research Network (NCRN)
University of Birmingham
If you have questions about the trial please contact our cancer information nurses
Freephone 0808 800 4040