What to do

Hi my dad has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer just found out in the last 24 hours from mum.

Dont know what to do, haven’t a clue what to say or do.

i can’t imagine dads thoughts right now but want to reach out to him but not sure how to start 




  • Hi ROOG7,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat - although I'm sorry to hear about what's brought you here. I'm sure this has been very tough to hear.

    The first thing could simply be to be there for your dad - carrying on as normal as possible, and not necessarily feeling like you have to change the way you are around him.

    You can always ask him about it, and if he doesn't want to talk about it I'm sure it will be clear. But it's of course important you find out information too, so if your dad doesn't want to speak maybe you can find out things from your mum.

    Keeping as many things as close to normal as possible may help him and all of you adjust to it - although I know it can be easier said than done.

    Do feel free to continue using this forum too for any advice or simply to write down any thoughts or concerns - it's a very welcoming and supportive community of people.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator