Waiting weeks for diagnosis

9 weeks ago I saw GPs because of stomach pains.  I was referred for ultrasound which showed I have lots of cysts on liver kidneysand spleen.  Also ascites.  Since then I have had scans on my liver and pelvic area and they don't think it's ovarian cancer.  I'm now waiting for another MRIscans scan.  In all Ive had 3 ultrasound... 2ct scans and 3 MRIscans. Everything comes back inconclusive.  These scans have been done on my liver my abdomen and pelvic area.  I also have I high CA125 level.  I'm under the care of gastroenterologist who seems to be looking at results and trying to work out what to do.  I'm not in any pain and everyone says I look well.  Oh they ve also drained some of the ascites and sent it to lab.  I'm so frightened I just want to run away.  Is there anyone out there that can help me please

  • Hi beetle

    its horrible waiting for test results. The worst part is the great unknown and letting the imagination run wild. It’s good that they are running so many tests - you wouldn’t want them missing anything and it’s good that they don’t think you have ovarian cancer. unfortunately medicine is not an exact science and doctors rely on tests in order to point them in the right direction. Hopefully the lab results will shed some light as to what’s going on, until then please try and remain positive and reign in your fears. x

  • Ah thank you for replying.  I ve just joined this forum.   I'm so frightened all these tests and no plan.  I wish I could run away...  Ascites seems like a death sentence from what I v e read and I don't think there s any hope for me.  I'm so sad...


  • Hi again

    looks like you’ve been using Dr Google, it won’t help you as it knows nothing about your individual circumstances. Ascites is a symptom of an underlying problem so unsure why you would see it as a death sentence without knowing what the underlying problem is.

    and there in lies the rub, no one knows until all test results come back. I know I felt better once I knew what my results were and what the treatment plan was but that time in between having the scans/bloods etc and getting the results was hellish, but unfortunately it’s something we all have to go through. I tried to put it to the back of my mind and kept myself busy, at one point in my journey it did get too much and I got some diazepam from my GP to calm me down. It was a huge help and allowed me to function. 

    Hang on in there, won’t be long now for the results to come in. Fingers crossed they are not as bad as you think they’ll be.