
I'm very worried about my hudband's self-medicating since he got diagnosed with cancer. The amount of codeine he takes is in no way normal and now he's chasing valium and stronger sleeping tablets from his doctor. His doctor has been reluctant to give them as he is a recovering alcoholic he uses that as a leverage and says he will start drinking without valium. His doctor is not aware of all the extra codeine he takes.He gets codeine from his doctor for an injury he had two years ago but he has been on slowly recuded script for it with a goal of coming off it altogether. I don't know what to do. He refuses to talk about it. I want to help as I love him dearly but I am at loss.

  • Welcome to the forum Kate although I'm sorry to hear about the situation you find yourself in since your husband has been diagnosed with cancer.

    Self medicating can be very dangerous and can impact on any treatment that your husband may be receiving for his cancer diagnosis so the best, and safest, thing you can do for him is to contact his GP or medical team as soon as possible to make them aware of what your husband is doing. They will then be able to intervene and prevent your husband from continuing to this. 

    I would also recommend giving our cancer nurses a call tomorrow morning to discuss this with them in more detail. Their freephone number is 0808 800 4040 and they are available Monday - Friday between 9a.m -5p.m.

    I hope this helps and remember that we are always here if you want to chat more about what you and your husband are going through.

    All the best, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator