
My husband has been referred with a growth in his neck. His Adam's apple is enlarged and is causing pain in his throat and he has a slight niggly cough. All symptoms I've read to be laryngeal cancer. He has been given a two week referral and I know it could be anything but the symptoms clearly point to the big C. I've had thyroid cancer and know how scared he his and I am trying so hard to be strong and positive but I am petrified. He is our family's back bone and my soul mate and I don't know how I will get through this horrendous stage of not knowing let alone any unwanted diagnosis. I can't talk to my family as I'm afraid of putting my problems on to them and I'm not someone who can hear all the nice words of comfort when I'm so angry with it all. Who can I scream at? I know I internalise everything as I referred myself for counselling a few years after my diagnosis and I'm worried I won't be able to help him if this is bad

  • Hello SueStan and a big welcome to Cancer Chat! 

    It is normal to be scared while you are waiting to find out more about what this growth on your husband's neck might be. It sounds like you have done a lot of research about his symptoms which shows how much you care about him but it is best to try and resist the temptation to look anything up on Google as this will usually only give inaccurate results and create unnecessary fear and worry. Dr Google often proves to be wrong thankfully! It's normal to feel angry with it all and you can offload and express your anger as much as you want here as many of our members will know what you are going through having been there themselves. Sometimes, it is difficult to talk to those who are closest to us about this so hopefully coming here will allow you to hear from others who understand exactly what you are going through at the moment. 

    Try if you can not to anticipate what it might be as it could turn out to be something completely different even though you feel the symptoms are pointing to cancer. I am keeping everything crossed for you that it all turns to be nothing too concerning which can be easily treated. 

    I am sure your husband appreciates your support and that you will be there for him during this long process of waiting for a diagnosis and once he knows what is causing these issues. Waiting for results can be nerve-racking and I thought I would share this page with you to help you cope while waiting for important news. 

    Best wishes to you and your husband during this stressful time. I hope you will hear from others who have been through all this before and that they will come and share their experience with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator