Results and maybe a biopsy this time!

Today after 2 MRI's and an ultrasound I have had a face to face appointment and my results of my lesion - looks like it's benign, but they are still not 100%. I should have had a ultrasound guided biopsy and my consultant has no idea why it was changed to a detailed MRI, so he is taking it to the next radilology MDT meeting to discuss why it wasn't done and why he wasn't told. He said the lesion was on a previous MRI I had some time ago and it has grown, but not at a rate which is worrysome, however it is growing and in an area that is compressing my sciatic nerve. He says if a biopsy can't be done he will approach a surgeon to look at scans for lesion removal, or if it doesn't fit their criteria at the moment, will look at helping me manage the nerve pain I am currently getting. A good result, and I am not going to let it take my life over anymore.