
So a couple of months ago i had a mole on my leg that scabbed over and i picked the scab and it came off and looks fine now but i have discovered that a mole on my arm that i've had for as long as i remember now has an almost scab like black dot right on the edge, it definitely wasn't there before but the mole is pretty small.

i know i can't get a diagnosis here but any help would be great thanks :) 

  • Any change in an existing mole should be checked out by your GP. They will probably do a telephone consultation and ask you to email photos of the mole so they can decide if it needs a referral to dermatology. I suggest you take photos, holding a ruler next to the mole so they can see the size. If the GP asks you to monitor the mole for a few weeks, take the same type of photos every 2 weeks so you have a record of any changes as this will help the GP and dermatologist if you are referred. Most mole changes are fine but it's always best to get them checked out early. Good luck and please let us know how you get on,

    Ange (melanoma patient)