Lumps under right armpit.

About 3.5 weeks ago I found a lump under my arm. It is oval in shape, hard and about the size of a grape (or slightly smaller). A week ago I went to my GP, she examined the lump and my breast and told me it was a swollen gland. She said if it hadn't gone down in a month I should go back. However last night in the shower I found a second lump under the same arm, this one is a little bit smaller than the first. I have had a good feel under my left arm and there are no lumps under that one, and I haven't noticed any other lumps anywhere else. So my question is has this happened to anyone else and it turned out to be nothing? Do you think I should go back to the gp sooner now I have found a second one? 

  • Hello Jem09, 

    I think given you have found a second lump under the same arm, it would be a good idea to go back to the GP and get it checked out. Your doctor will be in the best position to tell you what it is so don't hesitate to book an appointment. If you prefer you can also ask to see a different doctor just to get a second opinion. You can find out how to do this here

    Best of luck for your appointment I hope it all goes well for you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Jem. Just wondering if your lumps were checked out? I have a few lumps u get only one armpit and I'm very worried. Been referred to a breast clinic. Thanks.

  • Hello, I've had a similar situation and wanted to try and put your mind at rest because I know any lump is so scarey and I was flooded with fear when I found mine in my right armpit. It's great you've been to the GP. I found mine in December and went to the Gp. Was given antibiotics and told to go back in a few weeks if no changes. Mine is about the size of a kidney bean and similar texture. You can see it when I lift my arm up as well so i convinced myself I had some kind of cancer which had spread. I couldn't feel anything in my breasts or anywhere else but looking online filled my mind with the worst things. I literally sat for a week crying every day. 
    I went back to the GP and was sent for an ultrasound, the wait then for the results was the worst but it's ended up being benign. The GP told me to stop poking at it and just monitor it every so often but I've asked for a further referral to breast clinic just to make sure and they have referred me non- urgently. 
    so I know it's the hardest thing to do but try not to worry too much! I would say to go back rather than wait and ask for a referral for an ultrasound to put your mind at rest x

  • Hi, I went back to my GP and found out it was a immune response to flu I had just recovered from. Since then I have noticed that sometimes when I become unwell I will notice a lump under my arm once I have started to feel better again. I don't know why this happens, it's always the same arm. But the lumps do eventually settle down.

    I hope you find out the reason for yours and it turns out to be benign. I have a benign lump in one of my breasts that I have to keep an eye on to make sure it doesn't change. I have been seen by my local breast clinic, who were really good, they put my mind at ease as I am sure they will do for you. But I agree it is really worrying, so I hope you find out sooner rather than later.

  • Hi @Jem09, thank you very much for replying to me and letting me know (and thank you again @Emsy90 ) Glad to hear yours were due to a benign cause - it's reassuring for me too. Have everything crossed and the moment, but struggling to think about anything else. Hopefully I won't have to wait too much longer to find out. Thanks again.