Leakage stoma bag

Hello my husband recently had an op for colon cancer, op went ok I think (he's still in hospital as he caught covid but is fine) but of course I haven't been able to see him. he is getting upset though, and understandable, as he says his stoma bag leaks. A nurse on the phone told me he has a lot of liquid too but he is struggling,. So could anyone please give any advice so when he comes home I can mention I have been on this forum and here are some tips which might help. We have been together for 37 years but I know he will feel embarrassed in front of me bless him.. I have tried to read up on this but thought there must be someone who had the same thing happen to them hence my email. We will manage together but as I said any advice would be much appreciated. He isn't one to go on the Internet or ask for advice so I thought I would. I just want to be there for him and for him to not feel embarrassed and to feel relaxed when he comes home but his stoma is leaking and he is getting upset. Thank you. Sorry I have rambled on!

  • Hello MrsP2021, 

    I am sorry to hear about your husband's issues with his stoma bag. As he is still in hospital, I think he should raise this with his medical team there and hopefully they will give him some useful advice on this that he can then pass on to you. It's definitely something that needs looking into so don't hesitate to get in touch with his specialist or the nurses who look after him and to explain the situation to them. I am sure with time he will get used to it and not feel embarrassed about it in front of you - there is no place like home and there is no doubt that he will be a lot more relaxed when he can be with you again in the comfort of his room. 

    Don't hesitate also to give our cancer nurses a call if you would like to talk to them about this. You can get in touch with them on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. They will be happy to advise you and point you in the right direction. 

    Sorry to hear he also caught covid in hospital - I hope he is recovering fast from it. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi 

    Once everything calms down after surgery, the leakage will settle down too - the output is so changeable for a while.

    A few things I've learned have been:

    1. Make sure you hold your warm hands over the base for about 30 seconds after putting it on to make sure it sticks well.

    2. Getting the size of the hole right is so important - about 1mm space all the way round the stoma is ideal. If it's too small or big, leaks are more likely. 

    3. When I got home, I ordered several samples from various suppliers and tried a few different ones - they vary quite a lot - Pelican and Dansac have really strong glue if it's a sticking issue. After trial & error, I found the one I liked the look and feel of best. 

    4. He could try a one or a two piece pouch and see which is best and also try extra tape or rings under the pouch. 

    But I bet that after a few weeks it will all calm down. It's just a huge shock initially and the trauma in the body, temporary change in diet etc makes the output very different to normal. 

    Thinking of you both. Please ask me anything as I'm a newbie and remember it all so well. His stoma nurse will be a font of all knowledge too though and very supportive. 

    Nina x

  • Hi

    I've been thinking about you and your husband today. It must be so hard not being able to visit him. 

    I've just thought - Colostomy.co.uk has loads of literature on the website about dealing with stomas and ostomies. You can also sign up and receive a welcome pack which is full of really useful information. I found it to be very helpful.

    Once you become informed, it's quite astonishing how many people have a stoma, how many different pouch manufacturers there are and different supply companies. Although the hospital will recommend one initially you can change whenever you like and just need to let your GP know.

    Take care

    Nina x