Epirubicin breast cancer and life expectancy?

My mother has breast cancer, but it has spread a lot. She was diagnosed June 2018. This is the last line of treatment they are planning to use on her, and they are halfing the dose as she has quite bad liver mets. Due to her liver problems, she was recently told that without chemo she may only have a fortnite. She has it in her lungs, liver, brain, spine too. If you have experience/ more knowlege about this drug does it increase life expectancy? The consultant said it could by some months if successful. 

Also, with symptom control she is taking some medication, such as steroids and morphine. Is there any other way we can protect her organs e.g via diet, IV medication etc as I am very worried about her health right now. 

Thank you and good wishes. 

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat saveforests2003 although I'm sorry for the reason you're joining us.

    We have some general information about epirubicin on our website but if you'd like to discuss your mum's situation with someone then do give our cancer nurses a call. They're available Monday - Friday (except bank holidays) between 9a.m - 5p.m on 0808 800 4040.

    Do be sure to have another chat with your mum's medical team about all this if you weren't able to ask these questions the first time around as they will ultimately be in the best position to give you the answers you're seeking. If your mum is willing to give her permission you could speak to them privately about this instead.

    Best wishes to you both,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator