Do you look at your scan images?

Throughout my investigations prior to diagnosis, my specialist always offered to show me my scan imaging on the computer but I always said no. This always seemed to surprise him and got me wondering if most people prefer to see their scans or not. It's a personal preference for me and I think probably deep down it's a bit of denial, but also because bodies gross me out!

  • I've always looked at my scan images, if I've had the option.  When I had prostate cancer, I looked at the MRI of the prostate and took comfort that it looked normal and intact, indicating it was early stage. 

    I had a head/neck MRI last year and was shown the images (again normal).

    And when I had a bladder cystoscopy a few months back I could see the tiny cancer looking for all the world like a tropical plant in a fish tank. Fascinating stuff. I was able to ask the doctor about it and again be reassured it was very early. It was removed a month later and I'm hoping it doesn't come back.