Abdominal and internal ultrasound with history of Cancer


I thought I'd message on here to get some insight into people's experiences with getting results from ultrasounds.

When I was 18, I realised something wasn't right within that region. After being turned away by multiple GP's that felt around and insisted everything was fine, I had a really bad experience one night where I was almost fainting and out of breath from the pain I was experiencing in that area. It was so bad that I nearly called an ambulance. So I went back and basically forced them to take me seriously and eventually after the process of ultrasounds and CT scans, operations etc it turned out that I did have a really rare form of ovarian cancer.


Anyway, fast forward 5 years, living in a big city now whereas I previously lived in a small town. I started to pick up on symptoms similar to before and convinced them to give me another ultrasound. I had it last Wednesday so it's been a week. I called my GP and they said they have not yet received my ultrasound results.

I'm not sure to take this as a sign that the radiologists not being concerned and therefore not treating it as a matter of urgency. Or could it be that they're so busy my results haven't been looked at/analysed yet? I'm not sure how qualified the sonographer is to interpret the results and wondered what are other people experiences of delayed ultrasound results?

Thank you!!

Amy x