• Introduce yourself

    Are you new to the forum, or been here a while but not posted yet? Introduce yourself & become part of our friendly community.
  • Ask the nurses

    Our team of experienced cancer nurses are on hand Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm. They can't diagnose you but if you have a question for the Cancer Research UK Nurses you can ask it here. The nurses will aim to reply within 3 working days.
  • Pre-Diagnosis, Signs & Symptoms

    Waiting for a definite diagnosis is always a difficult time so it helps to have other people to talk to. Please note we cannot diagnose you. If you have signs or symptoms which you suspect may be cancer you should consult your doctor.
  • Newly diagnosed

    Your space to discuss next steps, treatment options and chat to others who can help you through those difficult early days.
  • Living with cancer

    Your space to talk about the practical and emotional impact of living with cancer, it can help to share with people who understand.
  • Money, Work & Travel

    Your space to share experiences and advice on practical matters such as money, work, benefits & travel insurance.
  • Caring for someone with cancer

    This is your space to share your feelings and get support if a member of your family, or a friend, or someone else close to you is living with cancer.
  • Diagnosed with cancer at a young age

    A space for young adults affected by a cancer diagnosis to chat with others of a similar age. (Please be aware that you must be 14 or over to use this forum).
  • Dying with cancer

    This is a place for you to talk about dying. Whether you are dying or caring for someone who is. It is not easy, but talking about it can help, both practically and emotionally.
  • Moving on

    This category is for you to talk about life after cancer, a place for cancer survivors and those who have finished treatment to get support in dealing with the physical and emotional after effects of cancer, returning to work, or trying to move on.
  • Coping with loss

    Losing a loved one is one of the most painful experiences we ever have to go through. This is your space to talk about how you're feeling and get support from those who understand.
  • CRUK News and Updates

    This is the place to get Cancer Research UK updates, find out the latest science and research news and read about topical issues.
  • How you can help Cancer Research UK

    Thanks to our groundbreaking work more people are beating cancer than ever before. Find out how you can get involved and help us continue our life-saving work.
  • Take part in studies and research

    Find out what studies and research are taking place and how you can get involved. If you are new to the site and you want to post a request for help with a clinical study or research project here please email us first.
  • Your fundraising

    Your space to share fundraising stories, get fundraising tips and ideas and see what others are doing to support our fight against cancer.